
Tag This

Middle Name: Marie
Last magazine you read: Economist
Last crossword puzzle you finished: People mag
Cell phone wallpaper/screen saver: My dog, Duke
Black & white or color pics: Black and white!!!
The Office or Grey's Anatomy: It's a toss up!!! I LOVE them both!!!
Travel to Sicily by air or boat: Air!
Family BBQ's -- cool or stupid: Cool
Pierced eyebrow or nose: Well, I've had both...currently my nose
'Nooma' or 'Life Together': Nooma
Affleck or Damon: Damon...how 'bout them apples?
Blog or not: Blog!
You find $20 in your pocket: Stoked! Coffee! Pedicure! A new book!
Last place you traveled to: Other than around OC...Washington DC
Movie or TV show: Movie!!!

Where were you...
When OJ's FIRST verdict was announced: Spanish class, freshman high school
When OJ was arrested a few days ago: In San Diego @ a Padre game
9/11: At home, getting ready for work

I tag Amerson, Courtney, and Katelin and Gracie and Deanna.


Anonymous said...

Middle Name: lynn
Last magazine you read: harper's bazaar
Last crossword puzzle you finished: hate them
Cell phone wallpaper/screen saver: petco park
Black & white or color pics: black and white!
The Office or Grey's Anatomy: office... it makes me laugh too dang much
Travel to Sicily by air or boat: air
Family BBQ's -- cool or stupid: cool if it is at ange's house.
Pierced eyebrow or nose: nope-rs
'Nooma' or 'Life Together': breakout. hee!
Affleck or Damon: clooney.
Blog or not: blog vicariously through angersons.
You find $20 in your pocket: going to the movies. or exploring a new target. or two-story forever 21.
Last place you traveled to: minneapolis. or san diego, if that counts as travel.
Movie or TV show: tv

Where were you...
When OJ's FIRST verdict was announced: PHOTO CLASS, high school
When OJ was arrested a few days ago: not sure
9/11: at home in minneapolis, getting ready for work

Deanna Kate said...

Middle Name: Kate
Last magazine you read: In Style
Last crossword puzzle you finished: never, ever...
Cell phone wallpaper/screen saver: hot air balloons (that is the only really good option, it's an old free phone)
Black & white or color pics: black and white
The Office or Grey's Anatomy: THE OFFICE
Travel to Sicily by air or boat: Air (I get sea sick easily)
Family BBQ's -- cool or stupid: Cool
Pierced eyebrow or nose: Neither. I have always wanted to get my nose pierced, but my dad said if I did he wouldn't pay for college.
'Nooma' or 'Life Together': ????
Affleck or Damon: Damon (he is cute and seems like a nice guy)
Blog or not: Not, I can't keep up with things like that.
You find $20 in your pocket: Food or Forevor 21
Last place you traveled to: On a plane: Egypt. In a car: Phoenix (that is a horrible city)
Movie or TV show: Movie all the way!

Where were you...
When OJ's FIRST verdict was announced: PHOTO CLASS, high school
When OJ was arrested a few days ago: not sure
9/11: at home in minneapolis, getting ready for work

KAT said...

Tag This

Middle Name: Marie
Last magazine you read: Zooology
Last crossword puzzle you finished: Wordserches not crossword puzzles
Cell phone wallpaper/screen saver:
The staplers at work going on strike
Black & white or color pics: Black and white!!!
The Office or Grey's Anatomy: Grey's
Travel to Sicily by air or boat: Air!
Family BBQ's -- cool or stupid: Cool
Pierced eyebrow or nose: Eyebrow
'Nooma' or 'Life Together': Nooma
Affleck or Damon: niether
Blog or not: Blog!
You find $20 in your pocket: movies baby!
Last place you traveled to: Other than around oc: virginia
Movie or TV show: Movie!!!

Where were you...
When OJ's FIRST verdict was announced: at school
When OJ was arrested a few days ago: at the gym
9/11: At lailah's house