
Irrational Fear #2

Read previous post on Irrational Fear #1 here.

I have a few irrational fears about sleeping; here are 3...

The first one, is that I'm so fearful that people are watching me when I sleep. Knowing that someone is watching me will make me stay awake. Have you ever been at camp, a mission trip, or at your family's house and someone thinks it's funny to take pictures of you while sleeping? And at the end of the trip everyone laughs at all those photos of people sleeping??? Well, I don't think it's funny. It makes me SUPER paranoid that someone will take a picture of me, therefore will (forever) be able to see me sleep. That is the reason why I don't sleep on planes....unless I have a hood to cover my face.

Second, I can't have people listen to me sleep. I need noise if I'm sleeping in the same room as other people. If there is no noise, then I will most likely be the last one to fall asleep.

Third, I can't sleep on a pillowcase that's been slept on by someone else without washing it. It's dirty from night face sweating, bed bugs, probably droll, some face lint or skin that fell off... (I lint brush my pillow every night before I go to sleep.) I enjoy a clean pillowcase, thank you.

Yes, I'm a high maintenance sleeper. I could never ever be a bum that lives on the streets, I would never get any sleep whatsoever...

Stay tuned for more irrational fears.


Allison said...

These are funny...

Once I fell asleep on the bus ride home from camp and they took turns putting food in my mouth...and one guy liked my face and woke me up.

It sucked...now I don't sleep on bus rides with students and dumb leaders.

Ange said...

this is PRECISELY the reason why I have this freaking crazy paranoia about sleeping!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ummm. take a xanax before you go to bed....you are special. I am NOT related to you....I can hear you yelling that comment above mine...