
Brazil remember when's...

Remember when I lost over 9,000 photos that were on my ipod? Well, turns out my friend Courtney had copies of all my Brazil ones! Yay! This weekend she came over and I started uploading her photos to my computer....this of course ended up going down a long road of remember when's for children's ministry at Saddleback. The Breakout band she was in, the multiple trips to Mexico and Brazil, summer spectaculars, old bosses, camps, mistakes we made including clothing choices and inviting certain people to staff Christmas dinners... It was so fun, and we'll have to do it again soon cuz I didn't even take HALF of the pictures she had! Here are some oldies but goodies...and yes, I may get in trouble for posting these.


NoBadDaysCourtney said...

No you are not in trouble for any of these...but I did get in trouble for laughing REALLY REALLY loud at the red curtain one! What were we thinking. I love you...I can't wait till we do this again. Julie is in for the 1st!

Allison said...

I can actually hear Alan's high-pitched scream in this picture!

Glad you found some missing photos! I have all of Kenya, I think...if you need help in that area!

Embracing my perfectly imperfect life said...

FORTELAZA!!!OH....so fun. Mike has Alan's photos if you NEED them and well you know i have 5000 that i took. Plus i have tons of Mexico stuff for like 4 years. I also have the video from Brazil. You know the "come on Kathi you camp" video. We should have a reunion and laugh for hours.