
The Joy of Today: Part III

Welcome to the white house Mr. Obama...

You know, I have to say... I have goosebumps from watching Obama speak. Not because I like his political platform or because I'm totally stoked that he won, but because what an amazing time in history right now. We have just crossed such a huge racial barrier...the biggest we'll probably see in our lifetime. How amazing that just 50 years ago our country was burning black people alive...and just 50 years ago our country didn't allow black people to drink from the same drinking fountain as white people...how cool that 50 years later we are allowing a black man to lead the United States of America. Despite the passionate differences of opinion between the two candidate supporters, I'm proud of our country today...

(See Joy of Today Part 1 HERE and Part II HERE.)


Dawn's Travels said...

Nothing to profound to say, except you know I voted McCain (after serious soul searching) but I could not agree with you more! It gave me tears and chills to know that we have crossed that barrier, that I hope it is the great beginning of not such a great divide. Hard work by SO many led to this point. May God richly bless and watch over Obama and his family.
~ Dawn

Joe Pena said...

No doubt a historic night for this nation. Hopefully, this will be the end of the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, et. al. If anything good comes from this night I hope it will be that.

I'm obviously very disappointed with the results but i hope that he will work with the Republicans although I have doubts given his partisan record as a state and US senator.

Robert Kunda said...

I agree in part. I think I'd be foolish to say it's not remarkable to have crossed this barrier.

I would have, on the other hand, much rather crossed the barrier with a man (or woman) that I could call of sound character.

While it's indeed thrilling to know I have lived to see this boundary traversed, I mourn knowing that it's likely that I may not live to see a day when unborn children will be freed and given value much like blacks rightly gained after such a horrible delay.

Joe Pena said...

i agree with the above statement. yes, it is great that we elected a black president but i would rather have a president who has sound judgement and strong character over oratory brilliance or even pure intelligence.

Joe Pena said...

i agree with the above statement. yes, it is great that we elected a black president but i would rather have a president who has sound judgement and strong character over oratory brilliance or even pure intelligence.