
End of One Chapter and Opening Another

It's funny how God closes out era's in your life and opens another right away. A few weeks ago in school my professor said, "When you do God's will you can automatically see the blessing in your life." I thought about this statement so much, and believe it to be true in every area of my life.

In a littler over 1 week I will begin on a new journey: a new job and lifestyle change. I'll be working for World Vision and will be traveling around the US most of the year, this is a complete change of lifestyle for me. Although I am excited for this great opportunity, I am SO sad to be leaving my friends and family.

I know God opened this door for me and feel at peace with this life changing decision. I will be stretched and pushed out of my comfort zone in almost every way possible (emotionally, physically, spiritually), while teaching churches and communities about the HIV/AIDS pandemic. It's a cool job and I'm excited...but this whole transition is bittersweet.

This is the end of the chapter with my current job (today is my last day), and probably the end of many "surface" relationships. This is the beginning of the next chapter in my life; I'll be spending a lot of time on the phone, email, etc. maintaining relationships and some sense of consistency and normalcy. I leave on January 18th and will be back every 8 weeks-ish. It'll certainly be an adventure -- I'm looking forward to it!

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