
SkyMall Monday: Political Edition

Welcome to another edition of SkyMall Monday!

Are you and your spouse or life partner on opposite ends of the political spectrum? Did you constantly debate over the Palin vs. Obama election? Do you argue over stimulus packages at the dinner table?

Well, now there's another way to create awkward dinner party conversations and heated debates at family get togethers! The Political Party Doormat! Depending on which side of the front door your party guest's enter, will give you an automatic clue on whether or not they are right* or wrong!

Let their feet do the talking -- and if they enter in the middle, that'll signify they are right AND left! Confused! But open for political party conversion -- go for it!

Hurry up and order one today by clicking here!

1 comment:

Emil said...

i think you and i would both be standing on the right hand side though....thats problematic. :)