
The Village: A World Vision Experience

I've spent the past few months working on a project for work: a World Vision city-wide campaign which combines the efforts of many departments (Artist Associates, Women of Vision, Media, WV Radio, Caregiver Kits, Experiential Engagement, Church Engagement, etc.) with the goal of getting 2,600 children sponsored. I've been specifically working on developing an African-like village to sit inside the Northtown mall in Spokane, WA for 31 days. It launched a few weeks ago, and this is the final week before we tear down.

It's been a long process.
It's been an exciting process.
I've loved developing the big picture.
I've loved digging into the logistical puzzle of how it'll operate.
I've loved creating and brainstorming ideas of how we can represent ways that World Vision develops communities.
I've loved brainstorming how we can do it better next time.
It's been a long process, worth every minute.

Read about it here!
See pictures below!

Ariel shot of The Village.

Inside The Village.Our education station!

The tour team!

Rich Stearns talking about some pictures in his book, The Hole in Our Gospel.

Giving a tour.

Our Village passports! Thank you, Leigh Sarti!

5:30am after an all night set up...gotta have some fun on the job!

Our most popular station!

Got to meet Craig T Nelson (he grew up in Spokane, WA)
Among the many, many events that took place during this month long campaign, Journey to Jamaa was one of my favorites (I could be biased because my incredibly talented roommate designed and created everything production related for this project -- SO proud of her, such an incredible film! Get more info here.)

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