After a class action settlement against Cross Country Bank, I received my settlement check in the mail today! What am I going to do with all this newfound money?!?!?!
ps. in case you can't read that's for $1.42. Yes, you read right, $1.42.
Wow. Hardly worth the paper it was printed on. If you want to be mean, you can NOT cash it. At the end of the year it would mess up their system being off by even THAT much! (I am not saying to do this, but...)
Congrats...we could meet and share a small coffee somewhere!
I'm with Julie. It's hardly the cost of the paper and the ink used to print it. What a waste. Donate it to charity. At least you get a tax deduction that way.
congratulations! slurpees on you at 7-11? hahaha...
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